Saturday, January 10, 2009

I love Freecycle.

It's a New Year and Hubby has been cleaning out the garage. We 'were' going to take a bunch of stuff to Goodwill, but I thought - maybe someone could really use this stuff...and would like to receive it for FREE!

So, I posted a bunch of stuff this afternoon on Freecycle and already had requests for:

2 bowls and miscellaneous cutlery
A toddler piano toy
A leap pad
A boppy and baby robe
2 plastic bibs
Daisy shaped shower curtain rod hooks
A bunch of size 3 boys t-shirts and shorts
Miscellaneous men's clothing

WOW! I'm just excited because it feels really good to be giving it away. I haven't traditionally been what you would call a 'generous' person - so it's nice to see that God's been helping me to grow in that area.


Dorothy Marner said...

Thats so great. While we're in the freecycle mode ... I'm looking for a plastic bib ala Bjorn style with trough at bottom.

Jesse said...

So glad to see action on QD! I love freecycling, but it's so hard for me to decide who to give to. Do you just pick the first responder, or do you wade through the emails and pick the "best" one?