Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Daily Sun Tea & Eggs

Sun Tea

My new kick is making two canning jars of sun tea every afternoon. I love using the sun (rather than the stove) to make the tea. And I love the repetition of measuring out the herbs and water on a daily basis. My oldest loves to go 'check if the tea is ready' and bring it inside when he thinks it's done.

I use 1 Tbsp of dried mint and 1 Tbsp of dried lemon balm per 32 oz. jar. It's so refreshing on a hot afternoon with a dash of agave. Both of these herbs are very calming on your mood, as well as your digestive system.


We're getting eggs on an almost daily basis now! It's crazy and I feel like a little kid whenever I go outside and realize that we haven't checked for eggs in awhile (like half an hour). It makes me almost giddy to walk over to the coop, squat down, lift the door, and peak inside. It's kind of like Christmas everyday. Although not quite as spiritually significant.


Unknown said...

mega dittos!

Dorothy Marner said...

Awesome! I love that its like Christmas only less spiritually significant. Sort of. Considering the long spiritually symbolic history of the egg!