Monday, March 16, 2009

Life After Aphids

I finally figured out why my spinach and broccoli have shriveled and turned yellow. You guessed it: copious aphid populations. Grrr! I've sprayed with a dish soap/tobasco solution. Is there hope for my plants or should I just cut them back, dig them up, and pray that my beets recover? They've covered the undersides of my spinach and put out their gooky goonk. My broccoli is pretty covered too and is definitely not bearing. The beets seem less affected though the aphids are definitely expanding their territory in that direction. I really want my beets to survive! I mean, I really want my spinach and broccoli too but at least I've had them for dinner. Any suggestions? How often should I spray?


Daniela said...

My suggestion? Ladybird Beetles! (Ladybugs). Or, diatomaceous earth (which is made of fossilized diatomes, probably not very sustainable, but all natural and should toast the suckers. But, you don't want to breathe it. Do you want to go in on some ladybugs with me?

Dorothy Marner said...

Yes! I was thinking of getting lady bugs anyway and read that they might help with the aphids. For now its soapy water and hot sauce. But yes, lets get lady bugs ...

Dorothy Marner said...

Do you have a source for the ladies or should I start scouting? I was thinking that the Corrales Mercantile might have them ... they have Seeds of Change packets for cheaper than we can buy them directly! And local eggs for $3/dz :-)

Dorothy Marner said...

The aphids are GONE! Soapy peppermint and tobasco water really works. The aphids were intense and everywhere. Advanced in their work. Four days of squirting the leaves and they are completely gone. Four days without them and counting. Yeah!