Tuesday, March 17, 2009


New 'food safety' legislation. I've been snoping it out since yesterday and haven't found any good news yet. I'm so mad I could spit. And not to get political here but Obama's latest video address also made me mad along these same lines. I quote:

"We are a nation built on the strength of individual initiative. But there are certain things that we can't do on our own. There are certain things that only a government can do. And one of those things is ensuring that the foods we eat, and the medicines we take, are safe and don't cause us harm."

I'm pretty confident that I can ensure that the food I eat is safe with much more efficacy and vested interest than the government. And it seems to me that the right to grow my own food in my back yard is a right as natural as the right to breathe. I feel that way about owning chickens and drinking raw milk too but I understand the need to keep livestock out of the cities: the animals could get sick.

I don't see how the legislation is enforceable. For example, I buy my eggs from a lady who meets me in a Target parking lot at a different time each week. I get my milk from someone who could easily be selling it to me as 'pet food'. I grow herbs and vegetables for medicinal and culinary use but it can't be proven that the tomatoes aren't just decorative. And how do you keep a person from eating the cucumbers handed over the neighborly fence? I for one will continue to grow and buy my food as locally as possible, regardless of the laws, simply because I believe its the right thing to do.

1 comment:

Jesse said...

I think you are right when you say it's probably not enforcable. And the cost of having some sort of food safety police patrolling the back yards of America would probably be astronomical. "Local food" has become increasingly popular of late, and I have a hard time imagining people buying into the belief that local is dangerous.