Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Can It

Now is the time for pickled artichokes and strawberry preserves. I've got tons of jars salvaged from great grandma's pantry, a giant le creuset stockpot and an itch to get canning.

The NY Times just ran a story with lots of imbedded resources for newbies.


Dorothy Marner said...

I've been wanting to can fruit! Want to do it together? I'll come to you if thats easiest ... name the day and I'll be there with whatever supplies you want.

And I don't know if the beets will be better pickled than they were boiled but if you think its worth a shot then maybe we should do them too.

Daniela said...

i want to make picked dandelion roots. sounds weird, i know. but very good for you. where can i find a huge field of dandelions that haven't got either exhaust or fertilizer all over them? have fun canning. wish i could come!